This research aimed to analyze health concepts and practices present in the pedagogical proposal of an early childhood education center in the city of São Paulo in the light of official Education documents. The theoretical framework that supported this work covers the concepts and conceptions of health, school health and health education. The chosen methodology was qualitative through a documentary research that involved twelve Brazilian official documents, among them the National Education Law of Guidelines and Bases, the Brazilian Federal Constitution, the National Curricular Guidelines for Early Childhood Education and the Quality Indicators for Early Childhood Education. The School Plan and the School’s Rules of the early childhood education center in focus were also selected. The obtained data were submitted to thematic content analysis. As a central pillar, the “right to health” was observed, from which the following dimensions emerged: health promotion; holistic development; caring/educating relationship; safety and protection as health factors. In addition to the emphasis on the health context in which the school is inserted, a view of the institution was determined that early childhood education should have as its main goal to give the child the possibility of fully developing as a subject of rights.
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