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Pilates, dor na lombar, lombalgia

How to Cite

Quibuba Zambeça, A., Monthaya, E. F., do Nascimento, V. S., & Lima, P. de O. (2020). PILATES AS A METHOD OF TREATMENT FOR LOMBALGY: REVISÃO DA LITERATURA. Lifestyle Journal, 7(1), 50–58. https://doi.org/10.19141/2237-3756.lifestyle.v7.n1.p50-58


Pilates is a method of physical exercise initially developed during the first world war (1914 - 1918) to gain muscle strength, but today it is used for several purposes, such as gaining balance, improving flexibility and rehabilitation. This study aimed to verify the effectiveness of the effect of the pilates method on low back pain in general. The search was conducted in the PEDro, Scielo, PubMed databases. The descriptors in Portuguese were used: Pilates, low back pain, low back pain and in the English language: Pilates, Low Back Pain, followed by the Boolean operator AND. The bibliographic survey was restricted to the last seven years, in English and Portuguese. To check the quality of the selected clinical trials, the PEDro Scale was applied. A total of 153 studies were found from the electronic search. Of these, only 7 met the inclusion criteria and separate form for full analysis. It was observed that through the Pilates method there is a reduction in pain, increased flexibility, and increased functionality. The results obtained in this study show that the Pilates method significantly decreases pain, disability, increases flexibility and functionality. Still, the Pilates method presents more effective results when compared to other techniques for the treatment of low back pain, however more studies on the given subject are needed.

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