Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by the collapse of the upper airways, causing total or partial obstruction during sleep. The best form of diagnosis is through polysomnography, the application of questionnaires can also be useful in the diagnosis, one of the best is Epworth. This article aims to analyze, through the Epworth questionnaire, the frequency of obstructive sleep apnea in young adults. All participating individuals answered three questionnaires, the first is to collect anthropometric and lifestyle data, and the second questionnaire is the Berlin questionnaire, which aims to find out if the participant has an indication for sleep apnea, and the third questionnaire is Epworth's which aims to assess daytime sleepiness and sleep apnea index. Data from 108 participants was collected, and a total of 22 questionnaires were excluded. The frequency of SAS was higher among women than for men, also those with weight greater than 100kg and BMI greater than 25 had a high frequency of SAS, as well as among those with unhealthy diets. There is a possibility for individuals with SAS to fall asleep while driving a car. The frequency of sleep apnea seen by the Berlin questionnaire was 15%, being higher among women, individuals with a BMI greater than 25 kg / m2.
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