The intestinal microbiota is made up of trillions of microbes that perform various functions for the health of the host. However, to obtain these benefits, the proportion between the species of bacteria must be in balance. Along with this, there is a range of factors that directly and indirectly influence the composition of the microbiota, with physical exercise being one of them. Thus, this study aims to explain through the literature the effects that physical exercise has on the intestinal microbiota in athletes and active people. This is a literature review survey of the PubMed database, considering the period from 2016 to April 2021. 23 meta-analysis, literature review and systematic review studies were included. Some studies on the relationship between physical exercise and microbiota, propose that the type, time, and intensity of exercise influence this diversity in different ways, both positively and negatively. The effects of low-intensity exercise provide health benefits. On the other hand, in high-intensity exercises, components are released that are related to the increase in inflammation and intestinal dysbiosis, which can, in addition, decrease the physical performance of elite athletes. Thus, more studies should be carried out to find more robust results on the topic, which is extremely important for the health of individuals and for improving the performance of high- performance athletes.
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