Influence of educational status on lifestyle
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Socio-economic status

How to Cite

de Castro , A. A. M., Lopes, L. R., Zukowisk Tavarez , C., Ferracioli Pôrto , A. M. J. F., Rezende, D. C., & da Silva , L. T. (2023). Influence of educational status on lifestyle. Lifestyle Journal, 10(00), e1583.


Introduction - Lifestyle has been the object of study throughout the world to evaluate the study of health and the presence of chronic diseases.

Objective: to evaluate the lifestyle of individuals with different socio-educational status.

Methods: this is a cross-sectional study in which the influence of educational status on lifestyle was evaluated. Data were collected through the NAHAS questionnaire on factors related to lifestyle. Sociodemographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics for educational status were collected through INET. Addresses were drawn on the streets and avenues of the Capão Redondo district and there were a number of participants for all zip codes. Result: Individuals with a lower level of education have worse lifestyle. Lifestyle improves among older individuals. The most affected aspects in lifestyle were physical inactivity and inadequate diet. The risk was increased for illiterate individuals to state that their health is worse than individuals of their same age in relation to those with higher education. The mother's level of education directly influenced the child's education. A positive correlation was found between the number of years studied and salaries.

Conclusion: individuals with a higher educational level have a better lifestyle than individuals with a lower educational status. Individuals with a worse lifestyle have the perception that their health is worse than individuals of their same age.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio Adolfo Mattos de Castro , Cristina Zukowisk Tavarez , Ana Maria Jora F Ferracioli Pôrto , Davisson Clemente Rezende, Leandro Teodoro da Silva , Lucilia Rocha Lopes


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