Objective: Know the signs of health / disease in children in the perception of maroon mothers.
Method: A qualitative study that used as theoretical axis Symbolic Interactionism. Interviews were conducted with 32 mothers of children under one year of age who attended the Health Unit Maré Island family, Bahia, Brazil. The data were organized through thematic content analysis.
Results: The signs of health / disease in children in the perception of maroon mothers pervade by aspects related to breastfeeding, hand to play, and signs and symptoms of diseases, with emphasis on respiratory diseases. Some mothers, however, are not able to identify these indicators, being the healthcare professional's responsibility to evaluate and report the health / disease mothers.
Conclusion: This mother of perception in the recognition of the health condition of their children optimizes the search for appropriate treatment, which may favor the time for proper clinical management. This attribute is desirable in the quilombo communities of the study, due to conditions of access to health services.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Elenilda Farias de Oliveira, Climene Laura de Camargo, Nadirlene Pereira Gomes, Juliana Pedra de Oliveira Muniz, Luana Moura Campos, Josely Bruce dos Santos