Introduction: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2) is a chronic non-communicable disease that reduces an individual's quality of life. As prevention, lifestyle modification and control of risk factors are mentioned. Primary prevention programs for DM2 are predominantly based on dietary interventions and physical activity.
Objective: to analyze the influence of a healthy lifestyle behavioral intervention on the quality of life of diabetics.
Methods: descriptive, behavioral intervention, non-randomized study, with a quantitative approach through weekly educational workshops. It took place in the city of Cachoeira, where 21 patients were evaluated before and after the educational workshops. The Health-Related Quality of Life for Diabetics (HRQoL) instrument, D-39, and the FANTASTICO Lifestyle questionnaire were used, in addition to the sociodemographic data of the participants.
Results: There was a predominance of females (76.2%), the average age of this group was between 60 and 79 years (57.1%), the skin color was referred to as brown (71.4%) and 61.9% were without instruction. Glycemia and the average FANTASTIC lifestyle score showed better results. In the D-39 domains, 15 of the 39 scale items were improved after the intervention, with statistical significance (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: in the overview of the evaluations presented, it is inferred that a healthy lifestyle can positively impact the health-related quality of life of patients with DM2.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nélia Damasceno da Silva, Márcia Oliveira Damaceno, Gina Andrade Abdala , Eliézer Guimarães Moura, Maria Dyrce Dias Meira