Objective: This study aimed to characterize the empirical studies available on leishmaniasis in the hyperendemic state of Tocantins, Brazil. It explores the transmission, emergence, and distribution of leishmaniasis while identifying knowledge gaps in the literature and discussing possible actions for education and health professionals.
Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted, with a bibliometric analysis based on studies from April to June 2020 in databases like SciELO, Medline/PubMed, and Google Scholar. The review included articles published between 2015 and 2019 related to the pathogen, vector, reservoir, environment, and human leishmaniasis.
Results: The study identified articles discussing the various aspects of leishmaniasis, including its causes, transmission, and environmental and socio-economic factors. The findings suggest a need for more research on nutraceutical and health-related aspects, as well as an integrative approach to health promotion.
Conclusion: Leishmaniasis in Tocantins remains a significant public health challenge. Education and health professionals must focus on raising awareness, promoting early diagnosis, and implementing preventive measures. Additionally, a comprehensive research agenda is necessary to address gaps in understanding the disease and its broader social impacts.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Edinéia Pereira Rodrigues, Pollyanna Cruz Carvalho dos Anjos, Jeandson Moraes da Silva, Keytiani Secundo Duarte Landim, Tatyanni Peixoto Rodrigues, Jussara Dias Queiroz Brito, Anselmo Cordeiro de Souza, Cristina Zukowsky-Tavares