Objective: This study aimed to investigate relationships between lifestyle and smoking in bone mineral density available in the literature.
Method: This is an integrative review carried out between March and October 2017, in the databases SciELO, Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed®. Articles published from 2005 to 2016, with full text, in Portuguese or English were included.
Results: Twenty studies met the inclusion criteria. Regarding lifestyle, physical activity (85%), alcohol use (75%), calcium consumption (45%) and diet (35%) were evaluated. Bone evaluation was predominantly performed by the spine (55%); 75% had a sample of more than 250 people, 40% evaluated only women and 60% evaluated smokers and non-smokers.
Conclusion: Although inconclusive in the relations of effect, mediation and confusion, lifestyle and bone health seem to be directly associated, and it is suggested that there is an inverse relationship between smoking and bone mineral density according to available studies.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Anselmo Cordeiro de Souza, Izabel Maria de Oliveira, Ana Denise Brandão, Monica Karla Vojta Miranda, Raquel Cristina Silva de Jesus, Ana Maria Jora Ferracioli Pôrto