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Infant formula

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Bonfim, L. A., Croêlhas, B. de S. C., & Zunta, R. S. B. (2019). TYPES OF BREASTFEEDING ADOPTED BY A GROUP OF MOTHERS OF CHILDREN FROM 0 TO 2 YEARS OF AGE. Lifestyle Journal, 6(1), 47–56. https://doi.org/10.19141/2237-3756.lifestyle.v6.n1.p47-56


Introduction: The intensification of actions to promote, protect and support breastfeeding are important for the evolution of breastfeeding rates and reduction infant morbidity and mortality rates. Objective: To identify the types of breastfeeding adopted by the mothers of children from 0-2 years of age who are cared for in a Family Health Unit. Method: A descriptive, field-based, quantitative approach with 120 mothers of children until 2 years old enrolled in a USF, through standardized interviews, waiting for the prenatal, puerperal, child-care and vaccine room visits. The information was analyzed, compared, classified and presented in tables. Results: The most commonly used breastfeeding for mothers of children aged 0-2 years was breastfeeding, so 97.6% of them received breastmilk and 18.1% by the sixth month. In addition, 38.6% received exclusive breastfeeding by the sixth month, 44.9% by the fourth month and 18.1% of the children from 0 to 2 years are receiving. Regarding the mothers: 52.5% have 25-35 years and 18.3% of this age offer exclusive breastfeeding, 45.8% have a family income of one to two minimum wages, 66.1%, 84.2% received guidance on breastfeeding, 99.2% considered the ideal breast milk for infant feeding and 22% considered breast milk weak or insufficient. The reasons most cited for early weaning were: breast dried, had no milk, milk was not enough and mother's return to school or work. Conclusion: The types of breastfeeding adopted by the mothers interviewed were: breastfeeding (23.6%), exclusive breastfeeding (18.1%), mixed breastfeeding (7.9%), breastfeeding supplemented (7.1%) and breastfeeding maternal prevalence (3.2%).

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