The identification and assistance of the gifted population during the school years, are demands that have increased in recent years, but there are still some myths and ideals of those students that do not correspond with reality and hinder both the identification process and the offering new services for this population aiming at improving their lifestyle and quality of life. The objective of the article is to verify the applicability of virtual reality technologies for this population, technologies that are applicable by the Physical Education teacher in his curricular planning. Five participants aged between 7 and 16 years old held an individual session with virtual reality technology and exergames for the Nintendo® Wii game console without prior knowledge. The study analyzed qualitatively the participants' reports. Participants reported factors that compromised the degree of immersion and involvement in the virtual reality technology, but were motivated by it to complete the tasks of the mini-games successfully. This study presented a systematization of activities with exergames using the Nintendo® Wii for students with high skills / giftedness, assisting Physical Education teachers to include this as a part of care for this population, contributing to promote an active lifestyle among these students.
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