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The contribution of digital culture to health education processes in schools
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Digital culture
Health education
Digital media
Active learning strategies

How to Cite

Gomes da Silva Braga, N., da Silva, G., & Zukowsky-Tavares, C. (2024). The contribution of digital culture to health education processes in schools. Lifestyle Journal, 11(00), e1591.


Objective: This study aims to analyze the impact of digital media in a health education project focusing on cyberbullying within a school setting.

Methods: The research used a qualitative approach, specifically Action Research, and collected data through an open diagnostic questionnaire, intervention workshops, and a focus group evaluation with students (N=36) from a randomly selected seventh-grade class in a school at a university center in São Paulo, Brazil.

Results: The findings indicate that digital media play a crucial role in addressing health education, particularly in relation to cyberbullying. Active learning strategies employed during the workshops were found to be effective, enhancing students' engagement and understanding of the issues.

Conclusions: Digital technologies are significant in the educational landscape, offering substantial potential to enhance health education in schools. The study suggests that incorporating digital tools and active learning strategies can significantly improve students' health awareness and behavior.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Neilia Gomes da Silva Braga, Giovanna da Silva, Cristina Zukowsky-Tavares


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