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Sickle cell disease
Health education

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Becerra de Oliveira , L. A., Nascimento de Sousa, J., Cordeiro de Souza, A., Bezerra Ribeiro , S., Silva Lopes, T., Fontes Baptista, A., & Nunes Sá, K. (2024). HEALTH PROMOTING PRACTICES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH SICKLE CELL DISEASE: DEVELOPMENT OF A TECHNICAL EDUCATIONAL PRODUCT. Lifestyle Journal, 11(00), e1599.


This study aimed to build and obtain validation evidence of an educational booklet for people with sickle cell disease, containing eight practices aimed at promoting health aiming for a better quality of life. A booklet was developed in the format of a comic book with playful characteristics that proposes health-promoting practices: healthy eating, hydration, exposure to “sunlight” and “fresh air”, practice of physical activities, balance, rest and spirituality. This is a methodological study carried out based on the construction of the educational material, with subsequent validation by 24 experts in the field. Content validation was established considering a Content Validity Index (CVI) greater than 80%. All expert judges agreed that the booklet addresses habits that can be beneficial to individuals with sickle cell disease. The suggestions sent were accepted, such as simplifying the vocabulary, changing the type of font, increasing the art of red blood cells and others. All items were assessed as relevant, and the CVI reached an average of 0.96. After the adjustments suggested by the judges, the material was presented to ten adults with sickle cell disease who approved it. The booklet was considered valid due to its reliability recognized by professionals specialized in sickle cell disease and quality of life in terms of content, including language adopted, topics covered and illustrations. It is suggested to use the comic book on social media and in print for distribution to health professionals and community agents
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Lilian Anabel Becerra de Oliveira, Juliane Nascimento de Sousa, Anselmo Cordeiro de Souza, Sânzia Bezerra Ribeiro, Tiago da Silva Lopes, Abrahão Fontes Baptista, Katia Nunes Sá


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