The goal of this article is to analyze sudents’ perspective Of mental health of before graduation from the health field and show some of the stigmas that it brings. It’s about quali-quantitative research made in December 2019 with 54 soon-to-be graduate students registered in the last year of graduation from the health care field such as nursing, nutrition, physiotherapy and psychology of an higher education institution (HEIs) in the south side of São Paulo-SP. The data was collected by the aplication of the Quiz of Perception, which is centrally about mental health. They were analysed by Microsoft Office Excel 2010. In order to find the proportions was used the test of the chi-square, being the level of importance of 5% (p< 0,05). The main results point to a still stigmatized comprehension of mental health, and even though the interviewed were soon-to-be graduate students, there is a strong stigma that the responsibility of mental health is still conected to the psychology field and is is linked to specific mental health prognoses. This kind of misinformation of the thematic is probably co-related to the aspects of a formation that is still guided by biomedic and asylumlike views. It is showing that training of the students on mental health is not proper as per the results
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